Links & Resources
The links and resources on this page are provided for the benefit of Friends, attenders and anyone with an interest in Quakers and the Society of Friends.
Introductory Information about Quakers
- A Selection of Quaker Videos
- 'Quakers Today' (PDF)
- Getting Ready for Quaker Worship (PDF)
- 'Quaker Worship' (PDF)
- 'Silence' (PDF)
- 'The Quaker Way' (PDF)
- 'Living What We Believe' (PDF)
- 'Quakers and Peace' (PDF)
- 'How Quaker Meetings Take Decisions' (PDF)
- 'A Quaker Wedding' (PDF)
- 'Quaker Funerals' (PDF)
- Wikipedia Article on Quakers
- BBC Article on Quakers
Quakers in Britain
The home of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
Quaker Faith & Practice
The book of Quaker faith and practice is an attempt to express Truth through the vital personal and corporate experience of Friends. It is largely composed of extracts: a fitting way of expressing the breadth of Quaker theology. It also describes the current structures of Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends.
Quaker Jargon Buster
The Quaker Jargon Buster, produced by Ealing Quaker Meeting, is "a guide intended to help people who are new to Quakers to navigate the minefield of Quaker language."
Quaker Bookshop
Our bookshop stocks a wide range of books on Quakerism, ethical living, activism, world religions, peace, sustainability and other related topics, including a sizeable children's section.
Quaker Groups
There are many Quaker groups, arising from their members' Quaker faith. Groups help Friends to share common interests and explore and develop conviction and witness. Friends' passion and commitment to particular areas of interest can strengthen and deepen the life of the Society and breathe energy into more formal structures.
Quaker Life Network
The Network has been developed by Quaker Life to help in its work supporting Quakers and meetings around Britain. It creates opportunities for Friends and Attenders to volunteer Quaker service by expressing interest in tasks that are shared through a regular email. By nurturing the connection between Friends, meetings and Quaker Life, the Network helps to nourish the spiritual life of Britain Yearly Meeting.
Quaker Peace & Social Witness
Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW) is the central peace and service department of British Friends, and represents them at national level on issues of peace and social justice. It facilitates dialogue to build greater understanding of these issues, and disseminates outcomes and ideas. QPSW works with Quaker and other partners to put this understanding into action on a variety of projects within Britain and around the world.
Quakers and Business Group
The Quakers and Business Group, (a registered charity and a Quaker recognised body in Britain Yearly Meeting), is today's voice and network for the Quaker business community. The Group's purpose is to be the custodian, modern interpreter and promoter of Quaker principles in business and the workplace.
Friends Fellowship of Healing
The FFH upholds the cause of the healing ministry within the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain, and practising healing for the benefit of those in need. The FFH is one of the largest single interest groups within the Religious Society of Friends in Britain, with a membership of around 1,000 including some overseas members. It attracts a great deal of interest and support, in particular at Yearly Meeting where it offers a healing and counselling service.
Online Quakers
This is a UK based online 'Friendly Forum'. A space for discussion about Quaker worship and beliefs, Quaker work and running Quaker meetings in Britain; a welcoming environment regardless of background, in the Quaker tradition of seeking a greater awareness of the Light that is in us all (Advices & Queries No.5). "If you feel isolated in any way, be it by distance, health or spiritual reasons, then the hope is that you will find a home with us."
Being Friends Together
Being Friends Together offers Quaker meetings a fresh way of approaching their ongoing development as living communities of faithful people.
Churches Together
WsM Quakers is also part of Churches Together Weston District (CTWD), which is an umbrella group that exists to develop greater cooperation and communication across churches in the area and to help these churches make a difference in our communities.